I will speak to you about the worship of which I am worthy. You like this attentiveness that I demanded from Moses, when I was teaching him how I want to be worshiped. My child, today I am not less great nor less holy. You have all been deceived by the assertion that God supposedly has no consideration for external things, but only for the interior. (…) Listen to Me. I am not talking here about personal insults, but the cult that has been curtailed to the limits of the absurd, the tendency introduced into the Church that makes those who come to worship Me, to offend Me. To all this is added human thoughtlessness and indifference, which is no longer limited by anything. The rules regarding the cult were protecting Me and you likewise from an irreverent approach to sacred things.

Excerpt from the message of God the Father



In the pastoral year 2018 dedicated to the Mother of God, we publish the second position titled: “Messages about the Worship and the Cult of God.’’ It is already the twelfth book from our publishing edition: Library of the subtleties of God.’’

This is a cycle of reflections of God the Father about the internal condition of the Church, embracing all areas of worship and cult of the One God in the Trinity in the bosom of the Catholic Church. In other words: how it was, what was destroyed, what was distorted, and how it should be.

From these messages emerges the dramatic reality of the modern Church. Listen to Me. I am not talking here about personal insults, but the cult that has been curtailed to the limits of the absurd, the tendency introduced into the Church that makes those who come to worship Me, to offend Me. To all this is added human thoughtlessness and indifference, which is no longer limited by anything1.

All this is related to the modern (new) pastoral ministry, to which all dogmatic, moral, liturgical and canonical dimensions have been subordinated. The structural activity of the Church has been turned around from the path of converting man to God by receiving him in the Church, to the pedagogy of dialogue and equal meeting between the Church and mankind. And consequently, the same happened to the worship and the cult due to God.

The Catholic Church forgot that its goal is salvation, and not the realization of a common, universal peace. Christian realism imposes upon the faithful a compromise between a passive submission to the world and an irresponsible rejection of the world. This is how the Church was drawn into a historical progress and a cosmic revolution. This led to the practical rejection of God in the Catholic Church and instead of adapting life to the Truth – God, the Truth – God is adapted to life. This modernist pragmatism resulted in the truth being an adaptation of thoughts to life, and justice being the adaptation of will to the situation and customs2.

This omission by the Church of God and His supernatural reality in the world has led to the elimination of the operating space of God in the Church. This supernatural space was enclosed in the words: grace, prayer, sanctification, fasting, penance, sacrifice (burnt offering), nurturing of virtue and inner life. Instead, the human space was introduced into the Church: pastoral ministry, mercy (equality), listening (dialogue), discernment (tolerance), accompaniment (brotherhood) and integration (freedom).

In the years 1588-1634, in seven great revelations, Heaven showed the drama of the reality of the Catholic Church to Sister Marianna Torres living in Ecuador, Quito, announcing the most terrible night of darkness of the Church. According to the revelations of the Mother of God, this will be a great apostasy and a true catastrophe. If the people (sisters) of that time were to live today, they would have died of pain. The priests of this time of apostasy and tragedy of the Church will fall into a misfortunate indifferentism. The true Church will go into hiding and will be persecuted3.

One day, the voice of the hatchling turns into the crow of a rooster, which is so resounding that it wakes up everyone around. I am always with those who want to perform My Will. Although I have explained to you just a little, that is enough to change your actions and start a liturgical renewal. Let everyone carry out what I have told you, beginning with yourselves. Change your attitude to prayer. Kneel more often, dress in a worthy attire to speak with Me, do not save on candles and altars. Do not forget about flowers. From your human side, make every effort to make My place in your homes worthy. The same applies to the book of Holy Scriptures. Let it be treated with due respect4.

This generation will not pass away as the Church will begin to search for the truth and ask what I desire. Then you will tell them all the words that I have confessed to you. Those words are drops of mercy squeezed from My Heart. In truth, I am offended and My Majesty is being insulted through numerous violations against Me and My Law. However, I still have pity in My Heart for your good will and the willingness to please Me that I still see in some hearts. Gather in My name and serve Me as best as you can5.

The Rev. Piotr Maria Natanek, Ph.D. Hab. 


  1. Public cult changed into a private affair
  2. The priest as the contemporary Moses and Aaron
  3. Reverence for the Word of God
  4. The heart of the Temple – the Tabernacle
  5. The House of God
  6. Priestly Garments
  7. Ablution and consecration of the priest
  8. Sacred objects and secular objects
  9. The role of light in the liturgy
  10. The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
  11. Church bells and processions
  12. The uniqueness of the priestly dignity
  13. The cult of God curtailed to the limits of the absurd
  14. The most important truths and demands of God

1 Messages about the worship and the cult of God, Library of the subtleties of God, t.12, Grzechynia 2018, p. 98.

2 Guido Vignelli, A Pastoral Revolution, Kraków 2018, p. 21-23.

3 Franco Adessa, Revelations in Quito about the masonry and the oppression of the Church, Courrier de Rome nr 320, March 2009; Triumph of the Immaculate nr 1 (43), January-February 2015.

4 Messages about the worship and the cult of God…, p. 109.

5 Messages about the worship and the cult of God…, p. 108.


Translated from: Orędzia o czci i kulcie Boga, Grzechynia 2018