2. The secret of obtaining graces


God the Father:  (…) You ask Me little. I am capable, I am ready to give more. Ask. I do not intend to withhold all My graces in Heaven. I prefer to give them to Earth. I want them to be taken from Me. I want to gift them to the whole world. I want you to stop being afraid, mulling over in your heart for what it becomes to ask Me, and for what it does not. Ask Me for everything, because it is in My power to fulfill everything. Do not limit My goodness. You know that I can fulfill all your requests. Do not ask Me for small things and do not ask Me without faith. Always believe that I will fulfill your request, because I can do it, I want to do it and I have no reason for which I would deny My child. You, only ask with faith and do not cease in your requests. I am ready to fulfill them all. When you come to ask, do not ask as a slave, but as a free man; do not ask as a servant, but as a lord. (…)

You possess Jesus, you unite with Him through your sacrifice, and you become souls that are the most desire by Me, souls filled with love. Even if I did not want to bless a soul, even if I did not want to hear out her requests, I do so out of consideration for My Son, whom I recognize in this soul. (…) In your requests, always refer to My Son; then I cannot refuse you anything.


4. The salvation of man is the Will of God


God the Father:  I called upon you to preach the truth about My Kingdom. My Kingdom will not be given to all, but only to the chosen ones and you belong to them. Everyone who will give up his will to Me will end up where My Will places him, and thus in the paradise that is My Kingdom. By fulfilling My Will, you chose paradise because My Will always desires your good, and the greatest good that I can offer you is your Salvation.

Do not be afraid to proclaim My Will, because it is only goodness, it is mercy that I bestow upon you. Man, living on Earth, forgets about the eternal Will of God, which was the making of a being similar to Myself. I have made man this being and I desire for him to be saved, because I desire to give every one of you eternal happiness at My side. I desire to share with you My joy. (…)


6. Teaching about faith



God the Father:  (…) Remember that by worshiping Me in the Blessed Sacrament, you give honor to God Himself, and you do it through faith. This is not possible without faith, because it is not possible to give Divine worship to a piece of bread, if one does not believe that God is present in it. Hence those, who do not believe, do not worship Me by staying in My presence and uttering words of prayer. Remember, when staying in My Presence, to make every effort to worship My constant presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The words of prayer are not important, your songs are not important as much as is important the awareness of My presence. Nurture faith. Remember Who you worship and Who stands before you, hidden but present with all His Divinity and all His power. When repeating the words of prayer, do not forget about the One in front of whom you say these words. It is better for you to be silent than to speak unknowingly. It is better for you to be silent than to sing without restraint, forgetting about My Presence.

Great is the reward for those who compound in themselves faith in My live presence in the sacraments, and great is the punishment for those who disdain this presence. I have given many signs to the world, so it may know that I am truly present under the forms of Bread and Wine. If this evidence is too small for you, it means that there is no faith in you. (…)


Translated from : Kontemplacja Boga Ojca. Tato, jestem. Grzechynia 2015, p. 59-97